The Fourth Periodical meeting of the University Board was held today, headed by Counselor/ Nassir Bin IBrahim Al-Mouhaimed, and in the presence of Dr/ Abd El-Rahman Bin Abdullah Al-Mouhaimed, and the other members of the Board.
The Decisions of the meeting come as follow:
- Raising the balance allocations by 50% of what is previously approved at the beginning of the year.
- Approving the establishment of the college of Media according to the provided business model.
- Approving the establishment of the college of law according to the provided business model.
- Approving the establishment of the college of Human Science according to the provided business model.
- Approving the business model and balance related to establish a typical headquarter of the University in Comoros after having the required licenses.
- Approving the modification of the name of the University in Malta according to the requirements of the academic accreditation there.
- Approving the appointment of Mr Fares Bin Mouhamed Al-Mouhaimed as a general manager of administrative and financial affairs.
- Approving the appointment of Mr Mouhamed Al-Rouby as a vice-president for operations and a member in the Board of Directors.