Everyone’s Smart University announces a free scholarship for the Bachelor’s degree

Everyone’s Smart University announces a free scholarship for the Bachelor’s degree in Project

Everyone’s Smart University administration’s third periodic council

Today, the Board of Directors of Everyone’s Smart University held its third periodic

Our numbers are talking During the first week for Everyone’s Smart University

Our numbers are talking…. During the first week for Everyone’s Smart University, the


Based on  the university’s strategy and upon its prominent role in enhancing knowledge

The activation of the student forum

The activation of the student forum, led by the Master’s student program: En.

Today a contract of the development of the University’s financial

Today, a contract of the development of the University’s financial, administrative, admission, and

Charity seats Project

Project Description It is one of the initiatives that enables merchants and those

Everyone’s Smart University would like to invite all investors and interested parties who would like to watch the graduation projects

Everyone’s Smart University would like to invite all investors and interested parties who

Everyone’s Smart University in cooperation with the Eritrean Embassy

Everyone’s Smart University, in cooperation with the Eritrean Embassy, ​​announces the enrollment of

Everyone’s Smart University has received an approval letter from the Somali embassy expressing the desire of the Somali government to enroll

Everyone’s Smart University has received an approval letter from the Somali embassy expressing

Today His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Everyone’s Smart University

Today, His Excellency, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Everyone’s Smart

In its efforts to expand and acquire extra university entities in African countries

In its efforts to expand and acquire extra university entities in African countries,

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