BOT Activation
ESU activated BOT technology to directly interact with students through WhatsApp. You can join through:
ESU activated BOT technology to directly interact with students through WhatsApp. You can join through:
The Fourth Periodical meeting of the University Board was held today, headed by Counselor/ Nassir Bin IBrahim Al-Mouhaimed, and in
Board of Directors of ESU approved Dr. Sarah Adel’s request to be relieved of her duties as the Dean of
Benefits of partnership with Red Hat Academy Integrating Red Hat courses in the academic programs offered by the College of
University and Red Hat Academy. Everyone’s Smart University’s president, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Muhaimid, expressed his delight at the signing
College of Informatics in Everyone Smart University is pleased to announce its partnership with Red Hat Academy, which works with
Everyone’s Smart University- College of Administration An invitation to attend the graduation projects discussion. The event will be held to
Everyone’s Smart University would like to congratulate all of its members and students on the international excellence conferred to their
صدر قرار مجلس إدارة الجامعة اليوم بالموافقة على تعيين سعادة الدكتور عبد الرحمن بن عبد الله المحيميد رئيسا للجامعة لمدة
Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.